African black soap is the next big thing in skincare, and for good reason. It has 100% organic ingredients derived directly from the earth, making it clean and natural for your skin. Moreover, it also offers a wide variety of uses to resolve your skin issues, such as rashes, hyperpigmentation, acne, uneven skin tone, and dark spots. Read on to learn more about its origins, benefits, and how to use African black soap.

What is African Black Soap?

The origins of this soap date back centuries, when it was first used by the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Women used a mixture of ash and oil, or ose dudu (“black soap” in the Yoruba language), as a form of skincare.

African black soap is considered “the super soap of all soaps,”  with vitamin-rich as the star of the show. Different cultures have different recipes and processes for making it, but standard ingredients include moisturizing oils like shea butter, coconut oil, and palm oils. The ash is derived from burning palm trees, cocoa pods, plantains, or cocoa pods, and it gives this type of soap its many abilities such as reducing hyperpigmentation and soothing eczema.

The Benefits of African Black Soap

  • Exfoliates and Cleanses

It is effective for cleansing bacteria, oil, and dirt from your skin. The texture of the natural ash acts as a gentle exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells and giving you brighter, cleaner skin.

  • Treats Acne

Dirt, oil, and bacteria can cause pimples and acne to form on your skin. By removing these impurities from your skin, African black soap can help fight off acne and prevent it from occurring.

  • Reduces Dark Spots

It is rich in vitamins A and E, it can help treat and prevent discoloration. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that can help stop dark spots from forming, and vitamin A can help reduce the appearance of an uneven skin tone.

  • Soothes the Skin

With natural oils, African black soap has both exfoliating and nourishing properties. Shea butter is similar to your skin’s natural oils, leaving your skin fresh and hydrated. Vitamin E strengthens your skin’s lipid barrier and nourishes the skin naturally.

  • Who Should Use African Black Soap?

African black soap is generally suitable for all skin types. However, it is especially beneficial for those with acne-prone or oily skin. Moreover, as it is more alkaline than the skin, it can potentially irritate sensitive and dry skin.

  • How to Use African Black Soap

African black soap can be used on both the body and the face, but it is recommended to dilute it before applying. You can foam it up using your hands, then lather it onto your skin and massage it for around 45 to 60 seconds before rinsing it off. Incorporate it into your regular cleansing routine, then follow up with serum and moisturizer.

There are many kinds of African black soap, from 100% raw soap to gentler options such as a liquid or paste form. Learn more about this wondrous soap here, or shop now at The Plant Guru for a variety of African black soaps that you can choose from!