There are many ways by which you can calm your soul and relax your senses. In fact, after a hard day’s work, a relaxing bath can be very invigorating. You can easily eliminate stress just by simply using the scent you love or making your own bath oils at home too. You will be delighted by how it can keep you feel relaxed right after. Want to know how you can make one? Simply combine essential oils to create a bath oil for a soothing experience.
Using Base Oil with Your Essential Oil Blends
The base oil, or carrier oil, will be a great addition to your homemade bath oil. This type of oil will soothe dry and itchy skin while also moisturizing skin from within. Jojoba oil and almond oil are examples of carrier oils that you can add into your concoction. The base oil will help prevent skin irritation that may take place if you opt to mix essential oil with water. Take note that water and essential oils do not mix. It is only with the use of base oils that you can enjoy the soothing bath without causing harm to your skin.
Popular Essential Oils for Homemade Bath Oils
Among the popular choices you have for making bath oils are lavender essential oil, tea tree oil, sweet orange essential oil, rosemary essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, and lemon essential oil. You can also use lemongrass essential oil, clary sage oil, and geranium essential oil if you want.
How to Make Homemade Bath Oil
You will need to fill a 2-ounce dropper bottle with the base or carrier oil. Make sure that you leave some space in the bottle after filling it up with carrier oil. You can add a total of 24 drops of essential oil to the bottle depending on the recipe that you want to make. Cover the bottle then shake well until the ingredients blend together. It is important to label the bottle with the contents and the date when it was made. With this mixture, you can add a teaspoon into your bath of water. Lay back on the tub and relax.
Homemade Bath Oil Recipes
There are several recipes that you can use to create your very own homemade bath oils. For a relaxing bath, you can combine one-fourth cup of almond oil with 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 8 drops of chamomile essential oil, and 6 drops of sandalwood. For your herbal bath, you can combine 12 drops of rosemary with 8 drops of lemon, and 4 drops of clary sage mixed with one-fourth cup of jojoba oil. For cleansing, you can get 8 drops each of tea tree oil, lavender oil, and orange oil then mix it with one-fourth cup of jojoba oil.
Kindle your spirit with a combination of eight drops each of lavender, patchouli, and lemon with one-fourth cup of jojoba oil. Get into deep slumber by combining one-fourth cup of sweet almond oil with 10 drops each of orange and lavender essential oil, and four drops of cedarwood. Lastly, you can also create a skin nourishing bath oil by blending one-fourth cup of your sweet almond carrier oil with 12 drops of lavender and six drops each of geranium and lemongrass.
These are some of the essential oils that can invigorate your senses, relax your soul, energize your body, and moisturize your skin. Make sure to take necessary precautions when mixing essential oils together!