Turmeric is a key ingredient in Indian curry and is one of the most dynamic herbs on Earth when it comes to contesting and possibly reversing disease. In fact, this spice has so many positive characteristics that it has been the subject of more than 10,000 articles which have been peer reviewed. When you combine this with its wonderful flavor, it is an herb that should be in everyone’s kitchen cabinet.
Origins of Turmeric
Turmeric is native to India and is produced by the plant Curcuma longa. The dried root will be taken and then carefully grounded until it becomes a yellowish powder. There are a number of chemical elements which comprise turmeric, which are referred to as curcuminoids. Curcumin is turmeric’s active ingredient. Researchers who have studied turmeric in detail have found that many of its properties make it equal to or even more powerful than some prescription drugs.
Popular Uses of Turmeric
Turmeric is a very popular ingredient in Asian dishes, not just in India, but in other parts of Southeast Asia. This is because of its earthy aroma and flavor which is akin to mustard. It is typically found in dishes which are savory, but may also be used in desserts. Indians use the plant leaves to prepare Patoleo, and will also use the leaves for wrapping food and then cooking it. Turmeric is usually applied as a dried powder but may also be used fresh. The Vietnamese enjoy using it to bring color to their dishes, while the Persians combine it with caramelized onions.
Health Benefits of Turmeric
Aside from cooking, turmeric is prized for its many medicinal applications. It can serve as an antidepressant, and has been found to be vastly superior to medications such as Prozac. It can assist those suffering from manic depression or other forms of anxiety, and does so without side effects. It is also anti-inflammatory, which is one of its most powerful characteristics. Inflammation is a major issue in the medical community as it has been linked to almost every disease in existence, so any natural substance which can alleviate it is extraordinary. Turmeric is currently being studied for its ability to combat Alzheimer’s.
Turmeric also provides a variety of benefits to the skin. This includes antioxidant properties which have been found to treat various skin disorders by healing wounds faster, relaxing the spores to reduce acne and scarring, and lowering flaring associated with psoriasis. However, those using it on their skin must exercise care as it can cause staining and possibly an allergic reaction in some individuals.
A Look at Turmeric Essential Oils
Turmeric is truly a miracle herb, capable of battling cancer, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, and skin problems. It is currently the subject of ongoing research, and has a plethora of potential future applications, besides the turmeric essential oils that we know. It can also serve as a natural painkiller but will not bring the negative side effects that are commonly associated with manmade medications.