Chamomile blue essential oils have so many health benefits, it’s surprising that you don’t find it on the shelves of every pharmacy worldwide. This may sound like an exaggeration but it isn’t. Extracted from the chamomile plant, chamomile blue is only one in a variety of chamomile selections – each having their own benefits. For example, when compared to Roman chamomile, a higher azulene content is found in chamomile blue. Overall, however, chamomiles (in general) have many of the same basic characteristics. All the health benefits of chamomile blue essential oils are far too numerous to list here – but we’ll do our best.
Origins of Chamomile Blue
The annual, upright growing plant, German chamomile, is where blue chamomile is derived from. These plants were originally grown specifically because of their high content of azulene. It was used in chamomile medicinal products. The azulene in chamomile blue, however, is not found in a fresh flower. Through the process of distillation, azulene is produced.
Popular Uses of Chamomile Blue
In addition to the numerous health benefits listed below, additional uses of chamomile blue can include the following: The removal of spots or scars on the skin. Some individuals have found that through the use of these essential oils they were able to reduce their blood pressure. Because these essential oils remove toxins (see below) they may assist in curing acne and act as an anti-allergenic. They tend to stimulate urination and are therefore useful and helping to cleanse the body’s urinary system. Using chamomile blue as a mouthwash can help eliminate oral infections and assist in ridding bad breath. These oils may also assist in curing infections of a viral nature such as measles and mumps. Chamomile blue essential oils may lessen your chances of developing atherosclerosis and help protect the heart.
Health Benefits of Chamomile Blue
Just some of the health benefits of chamomile blue consist of (but are certainly not limited to) the following: They tone the body and boost the nervous system. They can also remove excess gas, improve digestion, and relieve pain. They’re frequently used for skincare. Any number of people have found relief when using these essential oils to treat rheumatism. Some individuals believe very strongly that chamomile blue essential oils have helped them to reduce anger issues and relieve depression. These essential oils can also prevent infections and remove toxic agents among other health benefits.
A Look at Chamomile Blue Essential Oils
The blue color of chamomile blue comes from its active organic compound, a high content of azulene. Because of the azulene contained within, skin healing and anti-inflammatory properties are just a couple of the high points of chamomile blue’s characteristics. These essential oils are frequently found in skin care products. Chamomile blue essential oils blend well with ylang ylang, tea tree, rosemary, rose, patchouli, neroli, marjoram, lavender, jasmine, geranium, frankincense, clary sage, citrus oils, bergamot, and benzoin.
Plant Guru has an amazing selection of 100% pure essential oils, including chamomile blue. We offer everything we sell at affordable prices, but also at the highest level of quality. Check out our essential oil collections, carrier oils, body butters, and more, today.