There are numerous ways that germs can spread from one person to another and one of the main ways this happens is through our hands. When we touch contaminated surfaces, we can easily transfer these germs to the food we eat, to other surfaces (where the germs can spread to other people) and to other people directly through shaking hands. Awareness that germs can be spread this way has led to the development of anti-bacterial soap that is designed to kill germs in our hands. However, there is a debate about the efficacy of regular soap vs antibacterial soap. Here is everything you need to know about these soaps and how they compare to regular soaps.

Understanding Anti-bacterial Soap

Anti-bacterial soap is regular soap into which various bacterial killing agents have been added to make it effective at killing bacteria. Many liquid soaps in the market today contain various anti-bacterial agents. These agents vary from product to product. For example, some of these soaps contain triclosan while others contain benzalkonium chloride.

Benefits of Anti-bacterial Soap

Anti-bacterial soaps and other cleaning products can help reduce the transmission of germs in homes. They are particularly useful in places where germs and contamination can easily happen such as in hospitals and veterinary clinics. If you do not have access to soap and hot water, hand sanitizers are effective at eliminating germs from your hands, ensuring that you don’t spread germs to other people. If you are unwell or have a compromised immune system, hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial soaps can reduce your risk of infection.

Drawbacks of Antibacterial Soaps

Despite their widespread use, there are still doubts about the effectiveness of anti-bacterial soaps. The FDA indicates that there is no scientific proof that anti-bacterial soaps are any more effective in killing germs than ordinary soaps. Using anti-bacterial soap for a long time can kill healthy bacteria on the skin and can also lead to the rise of super-bugs or bacteria that has mutated to become resistant to antibiotics. There is also the danger that people who regularly use anti-bacterial soaps may be lulled into a false sense of safety and thus wash their hands less frequently.

Regular Soap

Regular soaps, used properly, can provide fairly good protection against germs and other disease-causing elements. They are cheaper than anti-bacterial soaps and they also do not kill healthy bacteria in the skin. The, however, are not as portable as their anti-bacterial counterparts such as hand sanitizers.

Using Soap Effectively

Whether you are using anti-bacterial soap or regular soap, it is important to ensure that you clean your hands properly. The correct technique for cleaning your hands is to wet them before adding soap and creating a soapy lather by rubbing your hands together. Carefully clean all parts of your hands including the area between the fingers and under your nails. This should take at least 20 seconds. Rinse off the soap and dry with a clean towel or a hand drier. The using a paper towel, turn off the tap to avoid contaminating your hands.

At Plant Guru, we have a wide variety of soaps and other bath products to keep your skin clean and healthy. All our products are from natural products and are manufactured under the highest quality standards. We offer free shipping as well as excellent customer service, making your shopping experience with us easy and fast.